Board Members
Pick up a board package at the Cowichan Intercultural Society to apply!
Board Members 2023-2024
Veena Sidhu, Co-Chair
Evren Husrevoglu, Treasurer
Dalia Levy, Secretary
Gifty Serbeh-Dunn, Director
Mary Beth Small, Director
Laura Court, Director
Terri Vetters, Director
The Cowichan Intercultural Society welcomes community members to considering joining the Board. Please review our website attached documents & fees. If you have any questions, you may reach the Board through
Membership fees:
- Individual $10
- Family $15
- Business $30
- Lifetime $200
- Click on the link below.
- In the dropdown, choose “CIS Membership Application Fee”
- Enter the membership amount
- Click “Continue with Donation” and follow the instructions on the page
CIS Sanctuary Policy: Access Without Fear
Our community is comprised of people of all migration statuses who contribute to community. Limiting access to services based on migration status creates a fundamentally unjust system in which sections of our community are excluded, exploited, and denied access to their basic human rights. Fear of detention or deportation means people do not access necessary services, like healthcare, and do not report crimes they witness. It is our stance, therefore, that sanctuary organisations benefit the entire community. Honouring the land and actions of the First Nations that have lived on this land since time immemorial, we want to build inclusive, equitable and just communities that are in solidarity with Indigenous and global movements against dispossession. To that end, we will create safer access to services for all people based on need rather than status.
Policy Directive:
All residents of the Cowichan Valley should have access to services and supports regardless of immigration status.
Cowichan Intercultural Society will serve newcomers to Canada in the Cowichan Valley regardless of immigration status.
No referrals will be made to the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA). If an individual is suspected of committing a criminal offense, a referral will be made to the local RCMP detachment.